Red Sun Academy
Red Sun Academy
School of Martial Arts
Students must have basic knowledge of the martial art. Therefore, they will be tested on some material. REFER TO THIS LINK. Yellow belts and higher must know basic Japanese and Korean martial art terms. White belts testing for yellow belt will not be tested on Japanese and Korean terminology.
Basics are your fundamentals, stances, blocks, strikes, footwork, falls and takedowns.
Advanced basics use strikes in combination.
KATA (form)
A memorized series of martial art moves.
Students must know their current kata, and all past katas.
What the moves in kata mean. Application.
The student will be asked to demonstrate how a move in a kata is applied.
Each belt has 3 memorized moves against a striking opponent.
Your partner will punch towards your face (no contact), and you react by doing a combination of moves to defend yourself.
Choreographed Fight Scene is a memorized set of strikes and footwork students use when paired up with a fighting partner. It's a sparring scenario, where the student learns to respond to their partner's attack, applying proper footwork before countering the atttack.
When sparring, two students face each other and employ conrolled strikes at each other. Safety is paramount. Measures are taken to see that no one is hurt.
White belts do not spar. Howevery, they begin by doing basic no-contact sparring drills. White bels are not tested in sparring. Sparring is introduced at the yellow belt level. There is no contact when yellow belts spar.
Weapons are introduced at the green belt level. Students learn strikes, self-defense moves, and kata with each of the folliwng 5 weapons:
Bo • Jo • Tonfa • Sai • Nunchaku
Students use the strikes they have learned to break boards, using proper technique.
Breaking boards measures a student's technique, focus, speed, and power.
White, yellow, and orange belts do not break boards during their test.
Green belts and higher break boards during their test.
Size is respected. This means that a smaller person will break a lighter board.
Most students have no previous martial art experience,
so they start as a white belt, which is the first belt.
It takes about four months for teens and adults
(longer for small children) to achieve their yellow belt,
which is the next belt after white.
Once the student has earned all 5 belt stripes,
he or she is eligible to test.
Testing Divisions
Honor through the Martial Arts