Red Sun Academy

Red Sun Academy

School  of  Martial Arts


Being a martial artist involves more than just the physical.  Mental training is equally, if not more, important.  

You must contribute something to the school, community, or to your family before advancing to a new rank.  Please spend at least twenty minutes on your contribution, and it must not be monetarily rewarded.

When you have made your contribution, tell Sensei either verbally or by placing a note on her desk, and you will be awarded a purple stripe.

Ideas are as follows:


  Adopt-A-Highway (Red Sun is involved with this program)

  Adopt-A-Child, or any white belt, and teach them martial art material. (orange belts and above only)

Tutor a child; help him with homework

Mow and trim someone else's lawn

Paint a room for someone

Volunteer with the Chamber of Commerce


Clean a room in your home

Take care of the trash

Weed outside

Clean window sills

Volunteer at a Senior Center; read them a story

Honor through the Martial Arts

Testing Info    Belt Symbolism    Belt Stripes    Qualifying to Test    Knowledge    Terminology